Margarida Teixeira

My name is Margarida Gomes Teixeira. I have a degree in Dental Medicine, since 1998, from Instituto Superior Egas Moniz (ISCSEM-Sul). Since 2000 I have dedicated myself exclusively to the area of Endodontics, and in that same year I completed a Postgraduate Course at the International University of Catalonia, Barcelona. I have taken a few other practical courses in the same area, from 2009 to 2015, at Dr. Vasco Vanceslau’s Clinic. I joined Clínica Dentária D’avenida de Gaia in 2010. Being a Dentist has always been something I wanted since I was a child, I enjoy being useful to others.

Perhaps, my favourite hobby is travelling, as I always like to enrich my general knowledge.


Portuguese Dental Association Registration Number- D2145


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